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Supporting Ol Pejeta Conservancy's mission to save the last northern white rhinos.
Supporting Friends of the Smokies' Bear Management Project.
Supporting Dr. Jane Goodall's chimpanzee conservation efforts.
If Not Us, Then Who?
If Not Now, Then When?​

• I N S P I R E   C O N S E R V A T I O N •

We are dedicated to the protection of our world’s last great wild places. We are especially inspired by, and strategically support, the following conservation organizations:

Support Conservation Walls Fine Art Gallery
If you’d like to learn more about these organizations and why we support them, please schedule an appointment. If you’d like to to support these organizations by volunteering or donating, we would be thrilled to connect you! Simply complete the form below & we will facilitate an introduction to the organization of your choice.
Due to the volume of requests received, we require a phone number to verify you are a real person. We do not share your information with others.

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During business hours you’ll get a near immediate response to your questions via telephone or chat. We strive for efficient and personal service.

Starting in 2021 we are publicly recognizing our donors and our contributions to conservation and our communities. Between 2010 and 2021 we contributed aproximately $750,000 to the following organiazations:

Friends of the Smokies

The United Way of Bristol
The Jane Goodall Institute

Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation

Girls, Inc.

The Paramount Center for the Arts

Believe in Bristol

Healing Hands

Abuse Alternatives

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Crossroads Medical Mission

Benjamin and Jane Goodall
Benjamin and Jane Goodall. Benjamin serves on Dr. Goodall's development committee helping to raise funds for her efforts.
Benjamin Walls w Sudan Northern White Rhino Ol Pajeta Kenya
Support Conservation Walls Fine Art Gallery
Support Conservation Walls Fine Art Gallery
Benjamin Walls with Entertainment Icon Dolly Parton on the day that he announced 5% of book sales to be contributed to Friends of the Smokies
Benjamin Walls Fine Art Gallery

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We typically only send one email per month featuring Benjamin’s latest work, stories from the field & invitations to current & upcoming exhibitions. We never share your information.